Welcome to our Church
We welcome those who would like to come among us. Our welcome seeks always to include others in our worship, work, fellowship, and affection.
Our Worship
- Worship on Sunday mornings begins at 10:00 am.
- Children are welcomed within the service, ~ nursery is provided upon request.
- The Chancel Choir enriches the experience of worship. The Hand Bell Choir frequently contributes.
- We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month, as well as on special occasions within the Church calendar.
Our Work
Our office is open from 9 am to 1 pm Monday-Friday, but we are always available at fpcannandale.org for any questions or concerns you may have.
- Within the congregation, we work enthusiastically to provide Christian education for both children and adults. We visit the ill and the home-confined, and we offer an assistance to one another from prayer to providing transportation and meals, to the special privilege of listening to and sharing individual expressions of what it means to be alive and a child of God.
- The Shepherd Center is housed in our church building and offers services, lunches and tours for Seniors in the Annandale area.
- Along with nearly twenty other churches, we participate in and fund the Annandale Community for Action (ACCA), a ministry of compassion and sharing that helps citizens of the Annandale area when they need food, furniture, medicine, fuel, emergency housing, and transportation to doctor’s appointments.
- Members of our church give of themselves to Bethany House, OAR, Christmas in April, the Crop Walk, and leadership in Scouting activities. We serve as host for an AL-ANON chapter that meets in our building each Saturday.
Our Fellowship
- Like people in most churches, we love to eat. And we do that together frequently. Suppers, receptions, refreshments, lunches and brunches are frequently included in the normal activities of this congregation. And like most churches, we think there is something resembling blessing attached to sharing food with one another. We even, in small groups, find ourselves gathering in the homes of the congregation for the joy of eating and relating to one another. We meet each other for lunch, even breakfast.
- We work together on projects like the fall and spring clean-up days, special music presentations, Vacation Church School, and the Session Commissions that shape our ministry and programs. Each occasion accomplishes something, but we are convinced that the mutual shaping and sharing we experience is the real value of our activities.
Our Affection
- Many of us now share our lives and our days with one another in ways that go beyond the programs and functions of this church. But it was here that such possibilities presented themselves.
- In this special place we find ways to meet, ways to bond, ways to share interests and concerns. In all we do here we find such miracles as trust, mutuality, accommodation, and freedom to be ourselves given and returned in such fashion that we open up other arenas of our lives and invite companionship.
An Invitation
- The members of The First Presbyterian Church of Annandale invite others to know us.
- Our pastor’s study is open and he is glad to listen. Call us to set an appointment. He will graciously meet with you through zoom or in person.
- Our worship is enriched when others share the experience with us.
- Our church office is open Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.
- Our special programs of music and worship are always accompanied by invitations to the public.
- Our building can be reserved for special meetings.
- Our grounds are for the enjoyment of the neighborhood.